“Friends”, is a warm, shared, charming tale of a blossoming friendship between Bertie Bear and a toy octopus. It’s a bear camping adventure illustrated with absolutely stunning, super detailed photographs in a New Zealand seashore setting. It is easy to read, with natural rhythms and rhyming words empowered with a story of meeting an unexpected and very different new friend who lives in a rock pool This will be a great gift to share the joys of reading with young bear fans and to draw children into a discussion on habitats at the beach.
Meet the author and more insights of this wonderful book here.
Lesleyann Wilkie –
“The two books I purchased from you are among my three year old grand daughter’s all time favourite books. My own daughter can read them from memory as she has read them to Rose so many times. Rose can finish the sentences off as well. My daughter said that she thinks because the books contain photos they are very appealing to young children. With Teddy in the rock pools, Rose takes delight in pointing and naming all the creatures, especially Octi.” Lesleyann Wilkie