After leaving jail far behind, the Blundering Plundering Pirates embarked on a journey along the coast of Australia. The landscape transformed into an ominous jungle concealing mysteries and dangers. Deciding to land, they encountered eerie sounds testing their resolve. Curiosity drove them forward, but along the trail they escaped a fearsome obstacle. With determination and courage they pressed on, facing their fears. At the journey’s end they found a completely new treasure they could all relate to. What was it?
This last book in the hilarious trilogy of the Blundering, Plundering Pirates’ adventures, features a treasured family recipe for a Christmas cake. You may wonder why? All will be revealed!
Matt Bowie –
The Blundering Plundering pirates series is a wild and wacky adventure with many twists and turns. My two boys are hooked onto all three books. You will never guess where the story ends (in Book 3)! Matt Bowie